How ileftmystuff works

We know you wear a lot of hats, so we've created a solution to simplify the lost-and-found process. Watch this 1-minute video to see how our service works: 


If you are a guest:

How it works images_pillow_outline
Step 1
How it works images_pillow_outline
Report your stuff

Click the "Find my stuff!" button to report your lost item. To start, you'll need the hotel's address or 5-digit Client ID number. You can also upload a photo to help the hotel staff identify your item. We'll send your inquiry to the hotel immediately for review.

How it works images_glasses outline-1
Step 2
How it works images_glasses outline-1
Get an update

The hotel's lost-and-found team will review your lost item report and send you an email/text with an update. If your stuff has been found, the message will provide instructions for getting it back. If your stuff hasn't been found yet, the hotel will keep your report active and contact you again if it is.

How it works images_purse_outline
Step 3
How it works images_purse_outline
Pay for your shipping label

To purchase your shipping label, click the "Ship my item back" button in the hotel's email/text. Enter your address to see your shipping options, then pay for your label on our secure payment platform. We'll email you to confirm that your payment was processed, and the hotel will be notified that your shipping label is ready to print.

How it works images_box_outline
Step 4
How it works images_box_outline
Get your stuff!

When the hotel prints your shipping label, the courier will be scheduled for pickup, and you’ll receive an email or text with your tracking information. Once the driver scans your tracking number into their system, you’ll receive an update to let you know your package is on its way.

If you are a hotel/business:

How it works images_monitor_new
Step 1
How it works images_monitor_new
Manage lost-and-found inventory

Sign in to your account and add the details to your in-stock inventory. If you have the guest's contact information, you can send them a confirmation through the system with instructions and a link to arrange shipping. 

How it works images_mouse_new
Step 2
How it works images_mouse_new
Review lost item inquiries

When a guest reports a lost item, we'll email you to let you know. Click "review" to search your inventory for a match. If the item has been found, send your guest instructions and the link to pay for their shipping label with one click. If the item hasn't been found, we'll send them a message to let them know. The software automatically checks your list of reported lost items each time you add a new item!

How it works images_printer_new
Step 3
How it works images_printer_new
Print shipping labels

Guests pay for their shipping labels on our secure payment platform. We’ll email you when a label is ready to print. (You can also set up your account to receive text messages.) Printing the label automatically sends your guest an update with their tracking information. Please refer to our packaging guidelines for advice on how to package the item securely.

How it works images_box_outline
Step 4
How it works images_box_outline
Ship packages

Printing the label schedules the courier for pickup at your property. When the driver scans the tracking number into their system, your guest gets an update to let them know their package is on its way. And if something unexpected comes up, our support team is here to help you sort it out.

Ready to make lost and found easy?
